Sunday, September 22, 2024

Never Meant to Be!


You and I, believing forever we did bind,
Yet cracks hid behind what love made us blind...
Now, as I grow, reminiscing the past,
Days filled with laughter, thinking they did forever last!!

Those days of joy, the moments we made,
Now just memories that slowly fade...
Awakening now to the truth, I can see,
We were entwined, but never meant to be!!

Though hearts were full, we drifted apart,
Led by our dreams on a journey to start...
For love is a flame that cannot sustain,
When visions diverge and ties cause pain!!

Today, as I stand, embracing the pain,
I cherish the illusion, not what could remain...
So I release us both, setting love free,
To find the happiness we both deserve to see!!

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