Sunday, September 22, 2024

Never Meant to Be!


You and I, believing forever we did bind,
Yet cracks hid behind what love made us blind...
Now, as I grow, reminiscing the past,
Days filled with laughter, thinking they did forever last!!

Those days of joy, the moments we made,
Now just memories that slowly fade...
Awakening now to the truth, I can see,
We were entwined, but never meant to be!!

Though hearts were full, we drifted apart,
Led by our dreams on a journey to start...
For love is a flame that cannot sustain,
When visions diverge and ties cause pain!!

Today, as I stand, embracing the pain,
I cherish the illusion, not what could remain...
So I release us both, setting love free,
To find the happiness we both deserve to see!!

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Ephemeral Echoes of Existence

 In life's fickle dance, from dawn to dusk's gleam,

One moment, we're kings; the next, it's but a dream.

At the pinnacle, with wealth, status, and fame's glow,

Seldom we ponder the tides that ebb and flow.

In our prime, with riches and applause so loud,

Rare is the thought of life without that proud shroud.

Yet, as certain as the day turns into night,

Fortunes shift, changing our radiant light.

Born with empty hands, to this world we came,

And we'll depart the same, beyond all claim.

For this earthly sojourn is but a brief song,

A fleeting chapter where we momentarily belong.

While material allure often binds our heart,

True bliss lies in a realm apart.

For beyond transient treasures and worldly spree,

Is the eternal dance of the soul, pure and free.

The ephemeral joys of possessions and esteem,

Can vanish swiftly, like a forgotten dream.

But the soul, eternal, remembers its quest,

Carrying lessons, karmic imprints, and the rest.

In this grand tapestry, woven of time and space,

Shouldn't our soul's journey be our true chase?

Seeking enlightenment, diving into the infinite deep,

For in spiritual realms, profound secrets we keep.

Silent Lessons of the Cosmos

 When we ceased to converse, shockwaves tore my core,

In the midst of myriad voices, yours I sought more and more.

With each silent day, reconciling with the void so vast,

Wondering if the universe, its lessons, had cast.

Might this be a cosmic teaching, mysterious and profound,

To prepare you to navigate life's vast expanse, unbound?

Teaching you to embrace solitude, to find strength on your own,

So you won't yearn for my voice, won't feel alone when I'm gone.

As the days roll forward, acceptance softly creeps,

Yet in the quiet corners, our shared memory leaps.

Hope lingers, that someday our words might reunite,

But until then, I cherish our past, as I move into the night.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Whispers of Absence

 In life’s grand ballet, amidst a crowd’s embrace,

Your silence leaves an echoing, hollow space.

Once, loneliness was but a foreign tune,

Now, it hums loudly, every afternoon.

Each sunrise, my gaze turns to the silent phone,

Hoping for a text, a call, a sign you’ve not flown.

Yet as sunsets paint stories of another day gone,

I wonder if I’m becoming a solitary pawn.

Perhaps with time, I’ll grow accustomed to this void,

And memories of our talks will be subtly destroyed.

I grasp, I understand, healing’s delicate grace,

Yet I fear the chasm widening, at this very pace.

For what if, in time’s relentless stride,

Life without your voice becomes the tide?

Will our shared laughter, our tales, our spree,

Simply fade, becoming history’s distant tree?

Yet, deep within, a hope persists and thrives,

That our bond will survive life’s turbulent dives.

But if not, if silence is our destined end,

I’ll cherish our memories, my absent friend.