Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Freedom to be...

I walk a lonely road, muddled in thoughts of my true destiny,
trying to answer enigmatic questions profoundly...
I know you tried to reach out to me, to pick me up
free me of the trouble; and with joy make me jump!!
But the monster which shadows me, is far too big
with its tentacles, that hold me strong..
In darkness I lie, held in its arms, safely surrounded by an outer shell
Protected from all the fears, and always thinking all is well...
Little dO I see the right and wrong,
life is all but a happy song
Till, one day, I see a curious soul break out free,
and jump outside to live and breathe...
It created a little space in my shell, to move a bit;
As I walk around, I wonder if I am happy in my pit
I think and think, and my mind goes into a rolling spree
wondering what would lie outside if I break free??
I know it is time to let go of the worries and move on
afterall I am fearless soul, who should fight life heads on!!
But, I am only a small creature, with all the wordly fears
sometimes I am full of tears
So Today, I look up to thee
to give thy child the strength and courage, to be what I want to be!!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Everything is going to be Alright!!

Please tell me everything is going to be alright,

Today is the last day you have to put up that fight,

Tell me tomorrow is going to be another day,

you will be laughing all the happy and gay,

I know that all this is temporary, and this too shall be past,

Please give me the courage to fight till it lasts..

I know you are there with me forever and I should need no approval,

But today I am a little low, so please show me your miracle!!

You know I have tons of questions for you at this time,

I know, you accept me even when I whine

I know you give nobody, no more than they can handle,

but sometimes I feel it is too much trouble

Has the load suddenly increased or my capacity suddenly reduced?

Whatever it is, doesn't feel right in my mind!!

Please tell me, tomorrow I will be laughing thinking about this,

with a feather of confidence in my hat to tackle what is amiss!!!

Just talking to you about this makes me ready to take on this fight,

And I know you and I will together win it with our might!!!

This is a poem dedicated to the times when you are feeling low and down and feel that the burden on you is too much, At times like those, just remember, there is this eternal force which is making you strong and guiding you on the path of enlightenment if you trust it.


Bhumika Lathia

8th July 2009, Irving, Texas

I love this lovely serenity poem

God grant me the serenity

To accept the things I cannot change;

Courage to change the things I can;

And wisdom to know the difference.

Author Unknown.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Wish to be a kid again!!

Wish I could go back in time,and be a kid again,
Sitting on my mom's lap, come wind or rain,
Unafraid of the worldly worries, or the pain;

Wish I could go back in time and be a kid again,
Living each day as it comes, with no fear
No pressure, no priorities, just playing forever

Wish I could go back in time and be a kid again,
With unselfish love for god, thanking him for life,
Full of love and warmth, so pure and innocent to the core

Wish I could go back in time and be a kid again
Fearless about the world, people and rest,
no worries about what I am going to do next!

Wish I could go back in time and be a kid again
wishes are strong and sound, but one thing I know,
Appreciate every moment as it comes and goes, only memories are left of the show!!

But still, wish I could go back in time and be a kid again!!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Eternal Soul

This poem is in the loving memory of one of my closest friend, Nehal Mehta, whom we will miss forever.

We are birds in this world, making our way across,
each passing day is a journey on the path of bliss,
We each must go one day in search of a new harbor,
and become memories in the hearts of our consort;
Memories, which I spend in thinking about you,
and the times we spent together,
Never had I imagined, that suddenly one day, without any admonition,
all this fun and talks, will cease forever...
Never did I know that the day you called me, to wish a happy new year,
would be the last time I hear your voice ever!
I saw you laughing always, but little did I guess,
there might be a pain behind the gloss...
You taught me how to enjoy each moment of life
to be a child and have fun in each moment till you die
But why was I in an illusion, that life is eternal
and everything around me is perpetual??
Why did it have to be you, this time, to teach me,
to appreciate and love each and every person in my life?
My friend, I will miss you forever, but you have enlightened me on a thoroughfare,
to lead an altruistic life, for someday we shall meet, as souls are amaranthine!