Sunday, September 10, 2023

Nostalgia’s Bitter Sweet Song!

 Amidst life’s dance, our souls did intertwine,

You, the fleeting moment, I, the steadfast pine.

In the whispers of night, your voice I’d seek,

Yet for you, I was just another week.

I bore the weight of our friendship’s lore,

While you skimmed stones, seeking more.

Sacrificed my bonds, made you my core,

But like shifting sands, you sought a distant shore.

Now two decades cast shadows long and deep,

In the silent night, sometimes I weep.

Wondering if clarity, had been my guide,

Would different tales, our souls have tied?

Yet, in this grand tapestry of fate and time,

Our threads once wove a rhythm, a rhyme.

Now apart they sway, in the cosmic dance,

Still, I cherish our fleeting, lost romance.

Remember, though paths diverge, memories remain,

Like the echo of a song, the scent of old rain.

For in the heart’s quiet corners, love does reside,

Even if, in life’s vast expanse, it’s pushed aside.

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